National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET)

Since the Institute was founded in 1961, more than 121,000 technicians and technologists have met NICET's rigorous certification criteria, and the number grows rapidly as more employers and local and state governments rely on NICET certification to measure the qualifications of their workforce.

NICET requires professional development through recertification. Once certified, the certificant tracks continuing professional development (CPD) activities according a point scale set up by NICET. For each certification, the certificant must demonstrate professional growth by documenting that they have established 90 CPD points by the end of that three (3) year period.

Policy #30 on the NICET website defines “additional education” as efforts undertaken to advance, broaden, and enhance the certificant's technical knowledge and job skills. This could range from taking a college course to company sponsored in-house training session. Please note that NICET will not pre-approve courses for CPD points. It is the sole responsibility of the certificant to assure that training activities meet the NICET requirements, particularly the requirement that the additional education represents professional development for that individual; in other words, it must increase the certificant's knowledge -- not merely cover what should already be known.

Please see Policy #30 for more details. Visit the NICET website at for the full policy overview.

For more information on NICET, please visit their web site at

National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET)

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Fire Protection Programs

Automatic Sprinkler System Layout, Level I-IV
Click Here for more info.

Exams: Multiple Choice, open-book exam based on job tasks. A time limit is imposed. Exam requirements vary based on Level desired.
Work History: Provide sufficient appropriate work experience
Performance Verification: Supervisor verification of job task competency.
Recommendation: A personal recommendation is required at Levels III and IV.
Click here for details on all of the Certification Requirements.

The process of certification begins with an application

Exam fee = $180
For details on application review fees, certification maintenance fees and other misc. costs, click here.


Inspection and Testing of Water-Based Systems, Level I-III
Click Here for more info.

Exams: Multiple Choice, open-book exam based on job tasks. A time limit is imposed. Exam requirements vary based on Level desired.
Work History: Provide sufficient appropriate work experience
Performance Verification: Supervisor verification of job task competency.
Recommendation: A personal recommendation is required at Level III.
Click here for details on all of the Certification Requirements.

The process of certification begins with an application

Exam fee = $180
For details on application review fees, certification maintenance fees and other misc. costs, click here.

Special Hazards Suppression Systems, Level I-IV
Click Here for more info.

Exams: Multiple Choice, open-book exam based on job tasks. A time limit is imposed. Exam requirements vary based on Level desired.
Work History: Provide sufficient appropriate work experience
Performance Verification: Supervisor verification of job task competency.
Recommendation: A personal recommendation is required at Levels III and IV.
Click here for details on all of the Certification Requirements.

The process of certification begins with an application

Exam fee = $180
For details on application review fees, certification maintenance fees and other misc. costs, click here.

Fire Alarm Systems, Level I-IV
Click Here for more info.

Exams: Multiple Choice, open-book exam based on job tasks. A time limit is imposed. Exam requirements vary based on Level desired.
Work History: Provide sufficient appropriate work experience
Performance Verification: Supervisor verification of job task competency.
Recommendation: A personal recommendation is required at Levels III and IV.
Click here for details on all of the Certification Requirements.

The process of certification begins with an application

Exam fee = $180
For details on application review fees, certification maintenance fees and other misc. costs, click here.

Low Voltage Electronic Communication Systems

Video Systems
(Now under development)

More information coming soon!


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